RADical Health Empowers and Equips Young People with Tools to Stay Well and Stay Resilient.

How it Works

At Program Launch, Participants are Organized into Small
Groups to Explore Each Week’s Theme
Week 1

How Do I Connect?

Strengthening Emotional Intelligence

Week 2

What Matters to Me?

Principles & Priorities

Week 3

Why Am I Stressed?

Building Resilience

Week 4

Where Do I Go From Here?

And How Do I Get There?

With the support of trained peer Guides, participants explore RADical Health through inspirational interviews, interactive resources and group discussion.
Get Inspired

Participants hear from notable figures in sports, entertainment and business to introduce each week’s discussion.

Dive In

Participants explore practical tools and resources that support skills introduced over the course of the program. All material can be accessed through the portal on the participants' own time.

Let's Discuss

Once a week, participants enjoy a safe space for activities and discussion related to the program material (75 min; approx. 10 participants).

The Blueprint for RADical Health includes all essential elements for execution to mitigate barriers to adoption.

Access to organization-specific clubs, activities and resources is promoted with every partner.

RADical Health Portal

The RADical Health Portal serves as the interactive central hub for all program elements, including original and curated content and customized resources. It is designed to be engaging, interactive and informative for participants and Guides.

Guide Training & Handbook

RADical Hope trains peer leaders (Guides) at every partner organization to ensure they are prepared for the role.
The guidebook, which is provided on the portal, includes:
  • 1. Each week's goals and content.
  • 2. Let's Discuss icebreakers, exercises & activities.
  • 3. Tips for creating safe discussion spaces.
  • 4. Customizable organization-specific resources relevant to each week.

Program Modification

RADical Hope is committed to ensuring the effectiveness of all of its content and program execution.

Marketing Materials

RADical Hope works with each partner organization to customize marketing materials to promote program engagement.